The rainbow coloured of coral reefs of Miami’s Biscayne Bay have become dull and lifeless by choking in the sediments as the side effect of a dredging operation which carried out by US army. The port of Miami encouraged dredging its channel in the hope of attracting big cargos to sail through the Panama Canal by the end of 2016.
However reports suggest that these activities have caused irreversible damage over the only coral reef that North America has. It is home to diverse flora and fauna and also acts as a buffer to the rising coastline. There is an ongoing debate between the environmentalists and the government which backs the operation by providing a whopping 210 million dollars.
The supports of nature pleads to the government for the risk that its taking by destroying the beautiful treasures expecting the fleet of ships that might never ever turn up. They also allege that the coral reefs of Florida are already depleting due to over use of acid, human encroachment and change in the climatic conditions. The conservationists also allege to sue the army corps of engineers for violating the endangered species act.
Category Archives: environment
Just A Week Of Bearded Seals
Bearded seals are known to be the biggest providers of protein, it is estimated that one big seal is worth enough meat which would sustain a large family throughout one winter. Native Alaskans motor through the ice lakes every year during the months of June and July to hunt for seals who are usually found on the icy rafting areas.
However this year the ice had already melted because of which the seals migrated to further northern regions. The season of seals lasted less than 7 days which has been the least in the history of Alaska. The locals are alarmed by this change of the weather and claim that they have never experienced anything close to this before. They are saying that there is a trend of ice getting rotten each year.
The local residents also worry thinking over the fact that, as the season is becoming increasingly unpredictable, there would soon be a time where their children and grandchildren would be aliens to seal hunting and would not know and participate in the festivities related to the age old practise.
Many reports also suggest on how the patterns of many species have changed, like that of caribou migration. 2014, winter has been warmest which was ever measured through Alaska and this year, predictions are even worse. The local residents mention that it was raining continuously for every night consecutively for a week which made the warm water to seep through the ice and made it rot.